Bathroom marble wall Polishing

At Cleansweep we work with architects on new projects. Here we get commissioned the entire marble polishing of the building, this includes - walls, floors, skirting, countertops, steps, grooves, moulding, chamfering and window panelling.

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Herewith please find some images of our team working on marble cladding polishing. In this project, we first removed the fibre from the walls. Then the walls were cut to even it out and remove all lippage. Thereafter grouting and all cracks and pin holes were filled. Once the filling was cut, we completed the rest of the steps of marble polishing to bring a high gloss finish. We also made all the grooves and moulding to ensure they are smooth and neat. In the images you can see the difference between polished and unpolished marble. Once all the bathroom fitting and fixtures are installed we will give the walls one last buff.


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